Random Thought 1: Somewhere in social media I saw a comment by Cardinal Müller, the orthodox bishop from Germany, when asked about the change of leaders in America, he said, “better a good protestant than a terrible Catholic.” — What a great quote!
Joe Biden was the most pro-abortion president in history, so far. He wrote pro-abortion regulations; he allowed the arrest and prisoning of pro-life people for just praying silently outside of abortion clinics; he had the FBI investigate traditional Catholics knowing they were conservatives. On top of these, he was barred from Holy Communion by American bishops, while the Pope gave him Communion in Rome. It is reported that recently he became a Mason, which carries an automatic excommunication, now being investigated by canon lawyers. All this while he professed that he was a good practicing Catholic. — God forgive him, pray for his conversion.
Random Thought 2: If my father and mother were still alive today I know they would be shocked at what is going on in our society. How a man can be a woman, and vice-versa, would be beyond their understanding and acceptance. They would be afraid of the medical and pharmaceutical industries for accepting this biological lie. I hope they are praying for us from their place in eternity. (See the article on the Links page).
FYI — Ash Wednesday is on March 5th; Palm Sunday April 13th; and Easter Sunday April 20, 2025